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Buzzing or Hot Outlets

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Buzzing or Hot Outlets

Buzzing or Hot Outlets

Have you ever gone to unplug a device and noticed the electrical outlet was warm or hot to the touch? It does not always mean there is a pending electrical failure or fire about to happen. But it does mean there is something going on behind the wall that deserves attention. We all have many electrical outlets in our homes and offices that are in constant use. Often left unchecked or neglected, a warm outlet could lead to problems down the road.

Here are a few reasons you could be experiencing a warm or hot outlet.

Devices with transformers

Devices like laptops, printers and even small appliances use a transformer to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). The process of changing voltage inputs to different voltage outputs can sometimes be the reason your outlet feels warm. Try unplugging your device to allow the outlet time to cool down. If after a few hours your outlet is still warm, call Bradley Mechanical to have one of our electricians look into it further.

Too many devices plugged into one socket

Are you using a multi-outlet adapter or power strip to plug multiple devices into one outlet? If so, the increase of electricity could be the reason your outlet is overheating and feels warm to the touch. Consider unplugging some of the devices and moving them to other outlets if possible.

Broken outlet

With normal wear and tear from use over time, outlets can become cracked, chipped or even break. This can compromise the outlet’s ability to control electricity and possibly become a safety hazard. If an outlet is hot to the touch and visibly damaged, it is time to have an electrician replace it.

Damaged wires

Loose electrical wiring or terminals inside an outlet can also be the cause of a hot outlet. Electricity escaping the damaged wires can heat the outlet cover. A simple inspection by one of our electricians can determine if this is the case and replace any damaged wires.

Too much demand on the circuit

Depending on how your home or office is wired, you could have an excessive amount of electrical current flowing to an outlet. If all the outlets in a room are on the same circuit, the electrical current being used by one outlet may be passing through another. This excessive demand on the outlet could make it feel hot to the touch.

Incorrect fuse or breaker

If your fuse or breaker is rated too high, your circuit may be operating over its amperage rating. This can cause the outlets on the circuit to feel warm and can potentially become a fire hazard.

If you ever find any of the outlets in your home or office to be warm or hot to the touch, do not hesitate to give Bradley Mechanical a call (804) 748-6728. Our team of certified electricians will gladly assess any issues your home or office’s electrical system may be experiencing and offer the best solutions.

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