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Computer Cabling and Dedicated Circuits

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Computer Cabling and Dedicated Circuits

Computer Cabling and Dedicated Circuits

Setting up and protecting new computer equipment can sometimes be challenging and time consuming. Bradley Mechanical can help install or troubleshoot any kind of cable issues including data infrastructure or electrical wiring. We can also help safeguard your electronic equipment with dedicated circuits and surge protection.

Computer Cabling

If you need to set up a new computer system or are having issues with your current cables, we can help. Our technicians can set up new computers for your home or business as well as troubleshoot any existing cable issues you may be experiencing. Cables can be the more challenging elements in a computer system. Our technicians can help identify, diagnose and resolve cable problems to get your computer system running smoothly.

Dedicated Circuits and Surge Protection

When you have several items plugged into one outlet or several outlets that are on the same electrical circuit, it increases the amount of electrical noise or fluctuations in the current. These small surges of power can cause operating problems or even damage electronic equipment. Luckily there is a solution to ensure your computers and other electronic devices have enough uninterrupted power available so they do not overload the system, blow a fuse or trip a circuit breaker.

We can help protect your sensitive computer equipment with dedicated circuits and surge protection. The term “dedicated circuit” means a circuit that has been set aside for a specific use. Having your computers on a dedicated circuit means they have their own circuit that is set up with its own breaker and is intended for a single use. This can help reduce tripping breakers or overheating wire insulation causing breakdown and possible electrical fires.

Surge protection is also a great way to protect your electronic equipment from voltage spikes and power surges. There are a couple of different types of surge protectors including point-of-use surge protectors and whole house surge protectors. The electrical experts at Bradley Mechanical can help determine the best surge protector for your equipment and help install it.

If you would like to set up an appointment with one of our technicians, give Bradley Mechanical a call at (804) 748-6728. We will be glad to assist you in determining the right solution for your computer needs.

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